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Diposting oleh anaksibolga Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009 0 komentar

Internet circumference Go To School

For the first time a fleet of MCAP (Mobile Community Access Point) go to school (visiting schools), Tuesday (24 / 3). SMA Negeri 1 Tukka, Tukka District, Central Tapanuli, North Sumatra became the first visit of this fleet. The presence of mobile internet car was greeted with enthusiastic students SMA Negeri 1 Tukka. Do not miss the teachers also participated kehdiran welcome from the MCAP team Humasy Pemkab Tapteng.
According to Head of Public Relations Tapteng Regency, Drs Rudolf Sihotang, MSI, after the vehicle from the Department of MCAP assistance and information Komunkasi arrived in Central Jakarta Tapteng Regency, this newly operated directly to the schools, and Senior High School Tukka our first visit. "In accordance with its functions, mobile internet car will be around to Tapteng District, ranging from schools to the general public, so that the public is not taboo anymore about the virtual world today perkembangganya fast enough. In accordance with the plan, each week we will be traveling to visit schools, so schools are far from urban areas can even enjoy Internet services, "he said.
Meanwhile, Principal of SMAN 1 Tukka Aris Effendi SPd MCAP to utilize the presence of his disciples. With the system the students take turns trying to try out the internet that has neatly installed in a car with a special desaint. MCAP is equipped with 6 units LCD screen computers, public phones for wartel units, and 2 units Facsimile. While in the back of the car provided 31inch television unit 1.
"We're grateful and proud to visit the prime fleet of MCAP Pemkab Tapteng to this school, because schools are the first to enjoy these services. We can not deny that the Internet service was being part of us, especially for students, because now is a lot of subjects using the internet service. For this reason we feel proud of this MCAP fleet presence, "said Aris.
Likewise, the recognition of the students who claimed to love to play online. Because so far they are not able to play Internet content and also because of the costs that must be issued.

4 students of SMAN 1 Plus Award Win Pandan Matauli Goethe Institut of Germany

4 students of SMAN 1 Plus Award Win Pandan Matauli Goethe Institut of Germany
State High School Plus Pandan Matauli proud achievement to carve back for Central Tapanuli. Four excellent school students won awards from the Goethe Institut, Dublin, Germany.
Penyerahaan awards held Thursday, 16 / 4) in the Audio Visual High School in Pandan Matauli which coupled with the inauguration of an Intensive German Class by Regent Tapanuli, represented Lumbantobing Tuani head of Bappeda Remus and Herr Steff Pardede Corell of Goetha Institute ..
All four students each Furwidia Ningsih (third grader) who won the award for four-year scholarships for Rp250 million for his education in Switzerland - Germany University (SGU) and Yustini, Halima and Ahmad Indra Nasution (students grades 1 and 2) the a summer camping opportunities (learning and recreation in summer) for 3 weeks in Germany.
Steff Herr Goethe Institut Corell of the transmission before the Regent and Vice Regent represented by the Head of Bappeda Tapteng Remus Pardede and head of the Office of Education M Rumapea and SMAN 1 Matauli Drs Soemartono said, the award is presented as the wages of a given task as Goethe Institut parternya SMAN 1 Matauli being able to realize the development of the German language after English in the schools.
"I see this school business is successful and I believe 1-2 years students are able to speak German well. So on this success, we provide a scholarship gift to 1 person in college students in SGU and Summer Camping in Germany for 3 students, "said Steff in German is translated by the translator.
On that occasion, he promotes and describes a little about the education system in Switzerland, Germany Institute (SGU). Where, in education, Institute is taught by the teachers (lecturers) who always use English. However, in every Sunday, students / i give additional educational German. "So clever language other than English at the Institute, students are also good at speaking German," he explained.
Meanwhile, the head of Bappeda Tapteng represent Regent Pardede Remus in his speech delivered Tapteng, gratitude and appreciation that has reached the attention of Goethe Institut, Germany to education in high schools and Matauli especially Tapteng education in general.
He hopes, the Institute was able to pay more attention to SMAN 1 Matauli and other schools in the region Tapteng so that children can go to school to study more at SGU and pemkab Tapteng ready to support any SGU programs for students of education development in the local area.
Help Full From Goethe Institut
After the inaugural activities of the special Class Intensive German, SMAN 1 Matauli, Pandan, Drs Batak Pos Soemartono to convey, in principle, all high school students get lessons Matauli German, but for special programs sending the children to Germany, to the class Intensive.
"So that, we opened two intensive classes with the number of students and as many as 50 people this all got full support from the Goethe Institut, including teacher training and support of media education," said Soemartono.
According to him, not all schools in Indonesia have the opportunity to get cooperation with the Goethe Institut. From the data available, only 10 schools selected by this institution, one in North Sumatra (North Sumatra) is SMAN 1 Matauli Pandan.
"The basis of these elections, seen from the results of their survey prior to university / school, vision and mission, Human Resources (HR), and the willingness of school facilities to be developed," explained Soemartono.
Mention whether the cooperation with the Goethe Institut ongoing or temporary nature, the principal who has served since the school was opened and inaugurated the former Minister of Public Housing (Menpera) Akbar Tanjung and former Army Commander Faisal Tanjung, said the assessment of the German Intensive classes are lasted only a year. "It means, in one year, whether the school is making progress or improvement. If not, the program can stop and the Goethe Institute can select another school, "said Soemartono. (Jason Gultom)
Photo Description:
Immortalized: Herr Steff Goetha Institute Corell of photos along with the head of Bappeda Tapteng represent Regent and Vice Regent, Remus Pardede, High School Principal Soemartono Matauli and 4 high school students of SMAN 1 Matauli Padan who won the award and a scholarship from the Goethe Institute of Germany.

Diposting oleh anaksibolga 0 komentar

Sunday, October 25, 2009
SIBOLGA; Fisherman-fishing in Sibolga advised to enter into or form the organizations / groups of other fishermen, which can accommodate the existence of the fishermen. Because the future, there will be assistance from the central government through the state budget, which will be distributed to the fishermen through fishermen's organizations. Whether it's assistance in the form of fish catching tools, seaweed cultivation technology and others.
"Please the fishermen in the town of Sibolga to join existing organizations or establish other fishing organizations. This is important, because if there is assistance from the central government launched, this will be channeled through a container or organization," said a former member of the Parliament of birth Tapteng, Drs HM Syarfi Hutauruk, while Saturday (24/10).
Asked about the group Help Fishermen (KNTM) which already exist, Syarfi said KNTM as one of the main forum for fishermen in the town of Sibolga, has a strategic role that is essential for economic growth and improve citizens fishermen take shelter in the container. Especially for fishermen in the coastal areas of West Coast of North Sumatra.
"KNTM as one of the fishermen organizations are not only growing in North Sumatra, but also has reached out of North Sumatra. In fact not only in North Sumatra, because now KNTM Sibolga has developed into one of the fishing vessel on the western coast of Sumatra in the presence of members of quite a lot, even out West Coast region, "he said.
In order to improve various sectors engaged in the fishery, he added, KNTM also required to be able to empower and provide understanding to the fishing communities to interact and transact in the fisheries sector is more developed with a clear market share in the future, so in turn the dignity fishermen in this area became raised.
Moreover, with support from central government, provincial and local governments, Syarfi sure, the container will be KNTM Sibolga the largest association of fishermen on the West Coast. It has been proven with the successful event Mangure Lawik (feast-red sea), held on a large scale in April 2008.
"It was the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Admiral (Ret.) Freddy Numberi has provided full support for the existence of KNTM in this area. Even DKP Center in 2008 had increased the budget allocation from the State Budget in the field of fisheries for the Province of North Sumatra, including the cities and districts Sibolga Tapanuli (Tapteng)

Diposting oleh anaksibolga Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009 0 komentar

PLN acting up again, in Sibolga / Off Power Tapteng day 5

Electricity is often Padam
SIBOLGA; user Internet services in Public Internet (Warnet) and Pandan Sibolga protests Tapanuli employee's performance of PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) because it is not professional in providing services and customer satisfaction.

The reason is, the PLN is suddenly turned off the electric current often without ever telling the public the plan before the extinction. Friday (25 / 9) for example, extinction is the PLN. In fact, this month is still in an atmosphere of Lebaran.

"PLN this is dumb, never willing to accept the request. Every day of power outages and never inform the public beforehand," Ricky Ceria (30) salahseorang Pandan residents who are working on the task at pandan Warnet.Happy_

He also complained about the existence of a number of power plants in the area who did not provide benefits primarily to the demand for electricity in Sibolga-Tapteng. "What good is the power company here, if the scale of priorities for this area does not exist. In fact, demand for electricity in this area is very small in the appeal of cities in North Sumatra (North Sumatra) and the province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD)," adding ketusnya that extinction is not only happening once in a day.

Equally he growled other people experienced, Jhonny Simatupang (31) who was typing the news in Warnet Nauli Sibolga. As a result of electrical pemadan sudden, almost broke the computer screen while wearing out the notes are not happy to see the performance of PLN. Because the news has had time to write computer missing from the document. "This is not the first time this has happened. Almost every day in the afternoon, the news that I have written because of missing 'greatness' PLN. You see, every day of electricity in this area went out. What exactly will this PLN," growled the man who is a reporter with a rising tone. View full size images

He claimed upset with the condition that occurs in the current PLN, because at the time of the holy month of Ramadan, the PLN is able mensuplay electricity without any extinction at all. "It's a strange name. If the reason for the current devisitnya PLN result, was able to flow mensuplay kok during Ramadan and Lebaran. Why is this happening again blackout," pissed.

He also said that officials in the region of PLN is also 'ignorant' because they do not want to use the megaphone Pemko owned. "Here's proof PLN arrogance and indifference to the community, who do not want to work with local governments,

According to Ricky cheerful (30), employees Warnet Happy NET pandanus. BC king of the road Pandan

due to power outages that it must spend extra costs for purchasing oil to the engine Gasoline generator, so the turnover is not worth more to the cost of the cafe business.

Action undertaken blackouts PLN also has made losses for society, because people will be electronic equipment damaged by a live electrical situation - death is.

"What is not damaged, if the lights came - came just die and live again. As our television at home it was damaged IC and refrigerators also have been damaged by the electricity," ketusnya.

A number of fellow reporter who served in Sibolga / Pandan also claimed troubled by the incident. You see, when they were cool to write news, lamp life - death that has eliminated its concentration has even had time to remove their data before writing, because it could not be stored on their computer - each.

As a result, fellow reporter who every day take advantage of services Itupun HAPPYNET Warnet grumbling with extinction action. "How the hell this PLN, kok lamp life - death," said Jason Gultom. Journalists Batak Pos

Meanwhile, the other a citizen, Hendrik Willy Cape. also gave similar things, he claimed annoyed by blackouts PLN done it because he thought as he pleases, extinction does not sure when the time, even up to 5 times a day and hope that the PLN could take the policy to address these issues.

Another employee recognition a school in one of Sibolga calling, his job became annoyed with the power outages.

"In this school there Genset engine. But of course we are not comfortable working when the lights came - came just died and we had to wait gensetnya machine is turned on. Strangely, this extinction happens every day and certainly a lot of very harmful to society in doing activities," he said .

Separate place, supervisors PLN branch of the General Secretariat of Sibolga, Indra Ritonga told reporters say, the blackouts are the result of repairs and maintenance performed in Labuhan Angin power plant, power plant and hydroelectric power Sicanang Belawan Sihaporas Sipan.

According to him, the damage that occurs in some central power plant in North Sumatra has resulted in the deficit of electric power in the region II, North Sumatra. It is also admitted to not knowing exactly when it will end blackouts.

"We do not know how long this extinction over time, because now there are still repairs and maintenance at a number of power stations that supply current to Sibolga," he said.

Massa could knock down the entrance of PLN because no entry. After the fence collapsed, the masses finally allowed into the yard PLN Area of North Sumatra.









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