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END NASA Confirm There was water in the Moon!

Diposting oleh anaksibolga Senin, 16 November 2009

NASA astronauts finally admitted defector statements for over 30 years experience in the month concerned.

"There was water on the moon, and jumlahlah big enough," said the scientists explicitly on Friday.

"Indeed we find water," said Anthony Colaprete, principal investigator of NASA Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite, said in a press conference.

Confirm it is good news for future exploration, which could be followed by a house built above the surface of the moon.

In addition scientists expect water in the form of a collection of ice for millions of years of history contains a record of the solar system.

The satellite, known as Lcross (pronounced L-cross = cross) hit the crater near the south pole of the moon, a month ago. The impact caused a hole with a width of 60 to 100 feet and kicked at least 24 gallons of water.

"We're more than just smell," said Peter H Schultz, professor of geological sciences at Brown University and co-investigators that mission. "We practically taste it."

For more than a decade, scientists have seen signs of water ice in the cold crater where the sun never shines.

Lcross mission consisting of two parts. The first stage of the rocket hole in the moon's surface and a small spacecraft to measure what the two crashes of the surface.

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